30 Years of Photodiode Experience
Development of the Albis state-of-the-art photodiodes started in the mid-eighties at the Institute of Quantum Electronics at ETH, the world-renowned Zurich University of Technology. The advanced product technology soon caught interest and first customers started field-deployment of the ETH photodiode technology at the beginning of the nineties. After a spin-off from ETH in 1995, Albis photodiodes were made available to a broad customer base fulfilling their stringent requirements on product performance and quality. Customers today still benefit from this long history of product development and can rely on photodiodes with long life spans that show little wear out and no random failures.
PM Series – New Packaged Photodiode Productline released
December 1, 2023

Release of the PM Series – a series of self-contained, ready-to-use, high-speed photodiode modules.
20 Years Anniversary
October 1, 2023

Albis Optoelectronics is celebrating its 20 Years Anniversary!
112 Gbaud Photodiode Released
December 1, 2020

Ultra high-speed photodiode optimized for 112 Gbd PAM-4 (400GbE and 800GbE) applications.
20 GHz High Power Photodetector
September 2, 2019

Release of a new high power, highly linear microwave photodetector, suitable for installation in systems operated under severe and harsh environmental conditions.
Celebrating 15 years
October 3, 2018

Albis Optoelectronics celebrated its 15 years anniversary having a very nice dinner with its superb team!
56 Gbaud Photodiode Solutions
March 1, 2018
Albis presents its new ultra high-speed photodiode chips targeting 56 Gbaud PAM-4 and 100G Single Lambda applications.
Albis Optoelectronics extends portfolio of mounted photodiodes
January 12, 2016

Complex assembly solutions that meet stringent requirements with regards to alignment precision, bandwidth and layout complexity.
Award Winning 25G APD
August 15, 2014
Our 25G Long-Wavelength APD wins the second place in the Lightwave Innovation Award with Honorable Mention.
10 Years Anniversary
October 1, 2013

Albis Optoelectronics is celebrating its 10 Years Anniversary.
Albis Optoelectronics, the continuation of a success story
December 18, 2012

Following a successful Management Buyout, Albis Optoelectronics resurfaces as the renowned industry brand for high performance photodetector products.
September 8, 2010
Launch of 10G Avalanche photodiode.
Building photodiodes for Intel’s Light Peak
December 9, 2009
Selected to supply its photodiodes to build latest optical interconnect.
5G GaAs QSFP Array
May 16, 2007
Release of new GaAs photodiode arrays addressing the QSFP standard.
An Enablence Company
March 19, 2007

Enablence Technologies acquires Albis Optoelectronics.
XS Photodiode Line
April 14, 2005
Release of new cost effective photodiode line.
Side Illuminated Monitor Photodiode
February 28, 2005

Launch of side illuminated monitor photodiode.
ISO Qualification
October 19, 2004
Albis Optoelectronics obtains ISO 9001:2000 certification.
October 1, 2003

Albis Optoelectronics re-launches the photodiode product line of former Opto Speed.